"Civilized men sleep soundly because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf..."
War has always been an ugly business. It wounds the body, numbs the mind, frays the nerves and freezes the heart. There is only one type of being that will survive and thrive in war, and it isn't the weakling.

War is the galaxy's history summarized in a single word. It was a wise man who said: "This is a war universe. War all the time. That is its nature. There may be other universes based on all sorts of other principles, but ours seems to be based on war and games. All games are basically hostile. Winners and losers."
Who can survive in a galaxy like this? There are many varying philosophies, but there is one truth that comes out time and again. Winners are strong. Or they pay the strong to win on their behalf. This is where the Matukai Dragons come in.
Relentless drill and unorthodox training schemes have fashioned the personnel of this company into some of the most effective operatives the galaxy has seen. Tough, hard-bitten, lethal, intimidating and some would even say brutal survivors. But when a job really needs to be done, effective is all that matters. When you hire the Matukai Dragons, you know the job is going to get done and stay done.
Strength in our company starts at the top. No militiaman worth his wage follows a weakling into battle. We pride ourselves on selecting only the most capable and promising students and training our officers to their limits. Strict screening and operational ability-based requirements have to be met before the responsibility of command is placed in these soldier's hands. Practical field instruction is core to our ongoing training schedules, with the outcome that all our operatives are ready to hit your mission freshly honed from the battlefield.

One critical aspect of our training that will not be found in any other institution or nationality across the galaxy is instruction in the way of the Matukai. This ancient Force tradition trains its practitioners in meditative martial arts and body control techniques which turn ordinary sentients into warriors with capabilities that are normally only associated with Force-sensitives. The Matukai believe every being is Force-sensitive to a level and can enhance their abilities by disciplined training.
While the gifts of the Force are widespread across a massive variety of techniques, the Matukai way specializes in several paths which are of extreme benefit to MD mercenaries including:
enhancements to all physical activities that use the living body, the focus of the Force
unusually extended stamina in the most adverse of conditions
unnatural speed
the ability to cleanse the body of poisons/disease and fortify it against extreme environments
incredible dodge and defense capabilities while using the traditional Matukai weapon, the wan-shen
As our officers gain the ability to perform these various feats, they naturally improve in capability with every form of combat, including blaster rifles, heavy weapons and spaceship combat.
Whatever your need, you can count on the Dragons to achieve it... with deadly efficiency. And if the accounts of those lucky enough to witness and survive the action are anything to go by, it is achieved with style and panache as well.